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Osama bin Laden there are two things that you can immediately do to save the lives of Muslims:

1.    Declare all Mosques in the world off limits to terror attacks.  If a Mosque is suspected of housing arms or terrorists, then an open dignified inspection of the Mosque should be allowed.

2.    Persuade all al Qaeda operatives to stop killing all Muslims in Iraq.  This will create greater security for Iraqis and lessen the animosity toward al Qaeda that follows any terror attack on innocents.

           Just these two actions will accelerate the timetable when U.S. forces can withdraw from Iraq, which is one of your stated goals.  The American people are eager to withdraw its military from Iraq.  But the American people also feel the responsibility to ensure that the Iraqi people are capable of taking care of their own security to bring all terrorist activities to a halt and to establish order.

           Osama bin Laden, it is within your present power to limit the dangers to your followers and insure a better life for the Muslims in Iraq and the world.

           I think that is your present duty – to protect the lives of innocent Muslims, not to kill true believers of the Koran – as Allah’s messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said – it is Allah’s will.

           The Muslim people that I’ve known as friends, colleagues, and patients have always impressed me favorably by their exceptional hospitality along with a genuine goodness and forthright desire to do the right thing.  The Muslims that I have had the good fortune to know abhor terrorism in all forms and possess a humanitarian attitude toward all peoples.  It is my feeling that they all would be shocked and ashamed that you have decreed your form of terrorism as the will of Allah.

           Because you have confessed to premeditated murders on a mass scale, and that you have no remorse in that you bragged with delight of the taking of innocent lives, and that you have declared that you will continue to take innocent lives, there is a high probability that your future days of life are limited.  You have become an outlaw without a country, with a multimillion-dollar bounty on your head, yet you still have a voice.

           Four days before the 2004 U.S. Presidential elections, you released a videotape of yourself dressed in a gold robe and warned that if the United States’ behavior toward the Muslim world did not change, that America would be attacked again.  Perhaps it is your behavior toward the taking of innocent Muslim lives in this world that needs to change.

           At this time, the United States and coalition forces are the ones who are using their lives to protect innocent Muslims in Iraq.  It is al Qaeda and others that are plotting and killing innocent Iraqis with your inspiration.

           In your pre-election videotape, you warned the American people by saying, “Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda.  Your security is in your own hands.”  And so I am writing this letter to you with “my own hands.”  What else can one grandfather do in response to your warnings and actions?  I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican.  As an Independent, I vote based on the circumstances of the times and the character of the candidate.  I am not writing to you for the benefit of any political party, but as one individual who wants to do something that will create more security for all people.

           I am but one cell in the whole body of mankind.  You are but one cell as well.  Whatever our viewpoints may be, we were both born of and are of the same human race.  That is why I feel that there must be some human fiber in your soul that can appreciate our present point in time – not centuries ago or ten years ago or one year ago – but now – today – a day in which you and al Qaeda can declare a cease-fire and work steadfastly – like a fanatic and help to initiate the process of achieving a win-win for all.

           Perhaps you won’t respond to the questions that I have asked of you in this letter.  What is important is that others, in their own hearts and minds will answer these questions and come to their own conclusions.  Perhaps members and potential recruits of al Qaeda (and other terror groups) will ask you or their recruiters these same questions.  Perhaps the questions and answers will raise doubts about a suicide bomber’s mission and how Allah will judge them.

           If my words prevent the taking of only one innocent life, then that is a blessing.  If you and others respond favorably to my words, that would be miraculous.  I haven’t any naive expectation that you will respond to me, but I hope that you do, and – I pray that you do.  God is great. 

Written with Deepest Sincerity,                                                        

 Dr. Sage

page 13
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