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 Why We Must Change

            With the advent of weapons of mass destruction in one hand, and the technology to advance the human race in the other hand, we are at a climatic point in history - a decisive moment that presents two critical options - potential death to masses of people, or unprecedented opportunity to enhance the lives of the masses throughout the planet.

            To whom does the planet belong?  It belongs to today’s children and their children to come – the future of mankind.  We live in a world created by our parents, and our parent’s parents and those before them, but we need not be victims of our parent’s past mistakes.  If anything, they have created a present moment of greater opportunity for us.

            What is it that we REALLY want for our children and their children to come?  Do we really want them to continue the cycles of killing and revenge that will surely beget more revenge, and on and on …?  Do you honestly think that ongoing acts of revenge will really bring a final answer of peace and fulfillment to the human race?
            It takes extraordinary courage, strength and maturity to restrain the urge to avenge – and instead, to use the power of your realization of a basic truth – that revenge only begets more revenge.  It is a fool’s path to travel on the road to fruitless revenge.  There comes a time in all wars, when all sides for their mutual greater good must lay down their arms against one another.  Now is the opportunity when we must help one another to not just to survive, but to work together for the whole body of mankind and future mankind to thrive.

page 9
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