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Your Second Motivating Issue

     The killing of Iraqi children due to American bombing was your
second motivating issue to justify your Jihad against all Americans.
     When explosives kill a four-year-old child, be it an American child, an Arab child or any child anywhere, it is always a tragedy.  All Americans that I know, or have seen speak publicly have never advocated killing Iraqi children.  During periods of conflict the U.S. has taken great pains to avoid civilian causalities.
Ayman Al-Zawahiri’s (al Qaeda’s second in command) stated in his 2001: part II Jihad declaration against all western powers and Russia specifically in reference to the Muslim people that, “We must win the people’s confidence, respect and affection.  The people will not love us unless they feel that we love them, care about them, and are ready to defend them.”  Yet in mid 2005, the al Qaeda leader in Iraq issued a statement on an Islamic website contradicting those words:

            “The killing of infidels by any method including martyrdom (suicide) operations has been sanctified by many Islamic scholars even if it means killing innocent Muslims.”

            How can you possibly be motivated to kill all Americans everywhere for having killed any Iraqi child, when your number one al Qaeda operative in Iraq states that it is now sanctified to kill “innocent Muslims” – women, children, the elderly and the infirm – in marketplaces, any street or building or workplace?

            At it’s present rate of suicide bombings, al Qaeda in Iraq is projected to intentionally kill 10 times more Iraqi children than American collateral caused deaths and possibly 10 times that number unless al Qaeda stops targeting civilians.

            Isn’t it hypocritical and counter productive when many tens of thousands of Iraqis of all ages have been killed or maimed for life by terrorist insurgency bombings to pursue that strategy? - and still expect to “win the people’s confidence, respect and affection?” Al-Zawahiri’s 2001: Part II edict further states that, “… we must blame ourselves for failing … to show compassion …”

            Osama bin Laden, where is your compassion for Iraqi children?  How do you expect to be judged favorably by your words and deeds when al Qaeda or the Jihad movement changes its words to claim sanctity for its foul deeds that results in the killing of thousands of innocent Iraqis?  Is that a realistic way to “win the people’s confidence, respect and affection?”  Do you think the majority of Iraqi people welcome what al Qaeda is doing to their country and to their way of life?

            On the other hand, Iraqis now have an opportunity to chart their own destiny and are freed of the shackles and hardship of a strict heartless dictator.  Despite threats of death at polling places, twelve million Iraqis have risked their lives to exercise their freedom to vote for a democratic parliament.  The new Iraqi assembly includes minorities and will be inclusive of all groups as new elections continue to expand the democratic process.  As the assembly continues to evolve, so will the constitution and laws evolve as the free people decide what they want and the best way to proceed.

            If you really care about the Iraqi people of Islam, rather than make them targets, refrain from violence against all the Iraqis and allow them to create their own destiny for themselves.  I urge you to use your influence to seek a cease-fire by al Qaeda against the Iraqi people.  Call off your violence and terror attacks and reduce the dangers that they face striving to take advantage of their present opportunity for greater prosperity.

            The American people want their costly military out of Iraq as soon as Iraqis can adequately be trained to provide their own security.  al Qaeda and insurgent attacks only prolong the time period that U.S. forces need to be in Iraq.  Present hostilities of violence are counter-productive to achieving your goal and are creating resentment of the Iraqi people against you.  Especially since so many al Qaeda attacks have been committed by citizens from other countries.  An al Qaeda cease-fire in Iraq appears to be a win-win situation for al Qaeda and the Iraqi people.

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