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           Abraham and his son Ismail built the Kaaba in Mecca as a Temple to one true God.  Muslim scriptures teach that Abraham also initiated the sacred rites and pilgrimages to Mecca, which all Muslims bow towards during their prayers.  The roots of Islam come from the Judeo-Christian heritage and although different schools of thought have some conflicting views, there are many more fibers that connect the three religious branches of Allah’s main trunk.  To eradicate any religion is to try and cut off an arm of God.

           A brilliant passionate mind can see the many conflicting views that can perpetuate separations between the religions.  The same brilliance can also see the common threads that can align religions to work and live in a win-win manner to resolve the differences without violence.

           You must understand that the U.S. will guarantee and protect the freedom of Muslims to convert more Americans to Islam with the requirement that people are also free to not convert.  All people in America are free to choose their religion – and if you are smart enough and passionate enough and speak the truth enough and take the appropriate actions enough, then there are no limits to the possibilities. 

           Our world views have been changing as we Americans are now more focused on the injustices and plights of the world’s Muslim people than ever before.  Average Americans, like most people, are hard workers who seek to protect and support their families, and deeply desire to live in harmony with all people.  Yet in your eyes, as an American, I am a “condemned infidel” because of the country I live in. You say that because I am an American, I should be killed, my children, my grandchildren, my mother, my father, my sister and brothers should all be harmed or killed just because we are Americans.  Should all Americans think that all Muslims in the world should also be harmed or killed?  It would be supreme folly and nonsense to think that Allah created other religions just to fight the Islam religion. Osama bin Laden, as a Shepherd to your flock, you can transform your fanatical passion into a realistic and wiser compassion.  There are better win-win ways to bring honor, prosperity and dignity to the Muslim people of the world.

           Prior to 9/11/2001, your Jihad plots to kill all Americans throughout the world were motivated by three primary issues that you stated in 1998.  They are:

            1 – U.S. support for Israel in the Palestinian conflict
            2 – The killing of Iraqi children by Americans
            3 – U.S. occupation of Saudi Arabia

           In evaluating your current position, there are significant factors needing recognition relevant to the three motivating issues you use to justify continuing terror attacks against Americans.

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