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 There is another way

           A way that requires far more courage and more wisdom than does execution of terror plots.  It is a way like that of a good shepherd who chooses a longer but more secure path for his flock, rather than lead his flock on a hasty and more
treacherous path that will surely kill many that follow him.  Many people in America, at first may think it is a radical and extreme way.  Yet it is a way that Muslims can openly and legally try to accomplish on American soil.  It is also a way that American police and military will fight for Muslim’s right to proceed.  In fact, the United States government will even guarantee in advance that Muslims will be protected from violence as they proceed to exercise that right.

           That guaranteed right to Muslim groups is the right to convert more Americans to be Muslims.  The United States’ Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.  You see, freedom of religion was one of the founding principles of the United States of America.  In fact, after you attacked the Pentagon and destroyed the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, extra security and protection was provided to U.S. based Mosques.  The United States also has laws against ‘hate crimes’ to further prevent religious retaliations.

           At first it may sound absurd to all parties that the United States would become a Muslim state.  In fact, as of the last U.S. census, there are now more Muslims in America than Jews.  Another recent change to the face of America that you want to disfigure is that the largest city in the largest American state (Los Angeles, California) elected a Latino mayor.  Presently, one in seven Americans is Latino.  It is projected that by mid century, Spanish may be the predominate language spoken in the U.S.  Also, the second fastest growth rate in the U.S. is that of Asians and South Asians, most from India and Pakistan.

           The Muslim religion is reported to be the fastest growing religion in the U.S. today.  It is also reported that you and al Qaeda are willing to be extremely patient, to take however long the time may take to accomplish your goals.  So, Osama bin Laden, I present a challenge to you that requires greater fortitude than the 9/11 attacks.  A challenge to your courage to change your tactics and denounce all future acts of terror against Americans.  Your terror tactics have and will only guarantee retaliation and consequential resistance to achieving your goals for the Muslim religion. 

           It takes a wise and courageous man in a leadership position to evaluate their time in history, and for him to change course to a way that differs from the past, a way that brings far more potential for benefits than death and destruction.  Converting a majority of Americans to Islam is an enormous challenge, but it is a possibility.  Your violent actions against America in the name of Muslim causes, as you envision them, only creates opposing sentiment towards those causes.

           Muslims already worship the same one God of Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ.  The Koran 3:84 states; “say, we believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us, and in what has been sent down to Abraham and Ismail and Isaac and Joseph and their offspring, and what has been revealed to Moses and Jesus and to all the prophets of our Lord.  We make no distinction between them and we submit to him and obey.”

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