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           Also included in the al Qaeda Training Manual are a number of ways of poisoning people such as injecting the sap of water hemlock plants into the person’s bloodstream to cause violent convulsions in which the victims will bite their own tongue.

            Osama bin Laden, it appears to me that being a post Saddam Hussein, Abu Ghraib prisoner is a cup of tea compared to being an al Qaeda victim.  The difference between what the al Qaeda Training Manual prescribes its trainee to follow through with is far more despicable, inhumane and permanently damaging and deadly than the limited number of Abu Ghraib improprieties, for which, as mentioned, the American prison guards were imprisoned.  On the other hand, when your al Qaeda operatives perform as your training manual instructs, they are just doing their duty as “normal” procedures.

            America discourages torture and punishes those guilty of committing crimes of torture.  Al Qaeda clearly states methods of torture to be applied to kidnapped victims and other captives.  It makes one wonder, are you the Great Satan?

            The second outrage and motivation for you to continue with al Qaeda terror attacks is the alleged defiling of the Koran at the Gitmo detainee prison.  It was reported that a Koran was flushed down a toilet by an American guard.  That would seem outrageous if it were true, but what is even more outrageous, is how can people believe that any book, even one half the size of the Koran could be flushed down a toilet without clogging the toilet?

            But because there were accusations about Koran abuse, the matter was investigated.  For the five hundred detainees at Gitmo over three and a half years, more than 1600 Korans at U.S. government expense were furnished to all detainees.  Even when imprisoned, suspected violent terrorists are allowed to pray and practice their religion.  Defense Department guidelines instruct Gitmo overseers to give the utmost respect to the Koran such as:

U.S. Defense Department Guidelines

            “Do not disrespect the Koran (let it touch the floor, kick it or step on it)”
            “Handle the Koran as if it were a fragile piece of art”
            “Insure that the Koran is not placed in offensive areas such as the floor, near the toilet or sink, near the feet, or                        dirty/wet area”
            “Two hands will be used at all times when handling the Koran in a manner signaling respect and reverence”

            This should not be surprising that respect for one’s religion is honored even during war, since the founding U.S. pilgrims sailed to new land so that they could be free to practice their religion.

            Even with these protective Koran guidelines in place, the investigation did discover five minor (one accidental) mistreatments of the Koran.  Americans have a right to be skeptical about released Gitmo detainees’ claims about Koran desecration, because as you know, al Qaeda’s manuals instruct your members, if imprisoned to make false charges even if they are treated properly. You and I can never know the full truth, but at least the United States makes a significant effort to respect the religious practice of all people.  I must ask you the question, would al Qaeda give Bibles and prayer books to captured Americans?

            Regardless of laws and guidelines, abuses occur in all prisons including American prisons that house Americans. In Iraq with over 100,000 soldiers, abuses may occur, as in any population of over 100,000 people between the ages of seventeen through their twenties.  But the U.S.’s rules are there to protect prisoners from abuse and when guards are found guilty of violating the rules they are punished and not rewarded.  Certainly the overwhelming majority of prisoners at Abu Ghraib have been treated significantly better than those poor souls imprisoned under Saddam Hussein’s routine torture and death policies.

            Our post 9/11 dilemma is that ultimately, if a ‘suspected’ terrorist is thought to possess information that will prevent further terrorist attacks, especially if the attack consists of a weapon of mass destruction – such as a nuclear bomb, then those responsible for a nation’s security will probably use any means necessary to get that information.  Rumors of torture by American intelligence agencies may or may not prove to be true, but as long as you persist in carrying out your threat to kill all Americans anywhere in any way, extreme countermeasures should be expected.  This is a regrettable and tragic reaction, but it is the consequence of past terrorist acts, especially when you threaten Americans with more threats of greater danger.

            Even with this in mind, the American people, including many in Congress have become watchdogs to insure that prisoners in the war on terror get fair treatment and judgment.  It must also be kept in mind, that when America is threatened or attacked, we do not back down, we become more unified against our attackers.  A major strike by al Qaeda at our transportation systems on the ground or in the air will not stop America.  It may slow us down for a while, but we will rebuild and continue on. Even if a city or more are taken out in part, it may wound us, but our resolve will only intensify.  An extreme attack of that magnitude may also unleash extraordinary extreme and regrettable counter attacks.

            Your present threats only serve to foster suspicion against Muslims.  Presently it is a lose-lose situation for all parties.  So how can our present dilemma be turned into a win-win for the future?

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